East County Youth Symphony - Advanced Orchestra


The complete MUSIC THEORY course consists of eight semesters:

Sem # Class Code Description
1 MT-B1 Music Theory, Beginning Sem.1
2 MT-B2 Music Theory, Beginning Sem.2
3 MT-I1 Music Theory, Intermediate Sem.1
4 MT-I2 Music Theory, Intermediate Sem.2
5 MT-CL1 Music Theory, College Level Sem.1
6 MT-CL2 Music Theory, College Level Sem.2
7 MT-CL3 Music Theory, College Level Sem.3
8 MT-CL4 Music Theory, College Level Sem.4

We offer Music Theory classes in Spring only.

2023SP Schedule

Class Day Time Location
MT-B1 Wed 18:00-18:45 7997 Paradise Valley Rd, #48, SD
MT-B2 Wed 19:00-19:45 7997 Paradise Valley Rd, #48, SD
MT-I1 Mon 18:00-18:45 7997 Paradise Valley Rd, #48, SD
MT-I2 Mon 19:00-19:45 7997 Paradise Valley Rd, #48, SD
MT-CL2 Mon 18:00-19:00 Zoom
MT-CL4 Mon 19:00-20:00 Zoom

*Classes start on February 1, 2023 and end on May 19, 2023.

Course Description:

MT-B1, MT-B2 (Music Theory Basics)
Pre-requisite - one year of music studies

Note names, bass and trebble clefs, whole, half, quartet and eight notes, major scales: Bb, F, C, G, D, intervals.

Ear training skills:
Recognise intervals, one voice/4-6 bars dictation (in keys of Bb,F,C,G,D, written in whole, half, quarter and eight notes)

Piano skills:
Play 3 octave Bb, F, C, G, D scales with two hands, and one 2-minute piece)

MT-I1, MT-I2 (Music Theory Intermediate)
Pre-requisite - passing grde in MT-B2.

Triads and V7, circle of fifths, all major and minor scales, 16th, 32nd and 64th notes, melodic and harmonic minor, harmonising melody with basic traids.

Ear training skills:
Recognize M, m, dim and aug triads and V7, one voice/8-12 bars dictation of appropriate difficulty.

Piano skills:
Play 4 octave all major scales with two hands, and one 10-minute piece

MT-CL1, MT-CL2 (Music Theory College Level 1,2)
Pre-requisite - passing grade in MTB

Equivalent of College course MUS-I

Ear training skills:
Same as College course MUS-I

Piano skills:
Bach's 2-voice or 3-voice Invention, and 1st movement of piano sonata

MT-CL3, MT-CL4 (Music Theory College Level 3,4)
Pre-requisite - passing grade in MTCL Sem 1-2

Equivalent of College course MUS-II

Ear training skills:
Same as College course MUS-II

Piano skills:
Bach's Prelude and Fugue, etude, slow piece, and 1st movement of piano sonata

To register for Music Theory classes email Alexandra Keegan.

MTCL (college level) students are responsible for aquiring the Book and Workbook

(2010) L. van Beethoven - Symphony No.7